
Yujia Zhang


I am a Ph.D student in the Department of Computer Science, The University of Hong Kong, supervised by Dr. Hengshuang Zhao. Before that, I majored in Automation and minored in Advanced Honor Class of Engineering Education of Chu Kochen Honors College in Zhejiang University.
My research interests lie in artificial intelligence & machine learning and embodied AI. In particular, I am interested in enabling robots to better perceive and interact with the world.
Previously, I was an intern at A*STAR I2R and HKU CS.


  • [04/2024] Awarded HKPFS and HKUPS.
  • [09/2020] Started my journey in Zhejiang University.


DriveGPT4: Interpretable End-to-end Autonomous Driving via Large Language Model
Xu Zhenhua, Zhang Yujia, Xie Enze, Zhao Zhen, Guo Yong, Wong K.Y. Kenneth, Li Zhenguo, and Zhao Hengshuang
arxiv | website



  • National Scholarship,2021&2023
  • First Prize Scholarship issued by Zhejiang University,2021&2022&2023
  • Champion in the 2023 Asia-Pacific RoboCup Humanoid League


A member in the robot team of ZJU for KidSize soccer competition of RoboCup Humanoid League. Champion in the 2023 Asia-Pacific RoboCup Humanoid League.

ZJU Student Robot Association
Vice-president of ZJU Student Robot Association.
Top-ten club in Zhejiang University.

Mountain climbing, orienteering, and kayaking.